Our Story.
Meadow Lane Ramps

The Meadow Lane Skatepark first came into existence in 2001 when OWP volunteers designed, funded and built one of the UK’s largest outdoor wooden ramp complexes of it’s kind. Originally built as a short term measure the “temporary” ramps stood for nearly 13 years while OWP campaigned for a permanent, concrete park for Oxford.
For 13 years the wooden ramps were ridden to hell and back and were maintained by our volunteers. Rebuilding and repairing worn and weathered timber and checking the site twice daily.
All this time we campaigned for permission to build a concrete park.
Keeping the old Meadow Lane Ramps alive cost us over £293,000 and more man hours than we dare to count. All the funds were raised by volunteers.
In 2012, after a very long and protracted battle with The Powers That Be, planning permission was finally granted for the existing Meadow Lane Skate park.
The paperwork required to build this facility stands at nearly 12 feet high.
A terrible thing to behold.
The New Park
With planning secured Oxford Wheels Project volunteers then raised a cheeky £384,000 and in April 2015 FINALLY opened the new Meadow Lane Skate Park to the public.
Now, with such a wonderful, hard earned facility OWP are able to do what the charity was set up to do: Get people skating , BMXing, sharing, learning, socialising, developing and having fun.
The amount of effort that went into building this park is enormous as is the effort to keep the park safe, clean and open to all.
Like our old wooden ramps Meadow Lane Skatepark is run by volunteers of the Oxford Wheels Project .
OWP pays for the skatepark’s annual insurance, for the ground rent, for maintenance costs, for the disposal of rubbish and recycling.
OWP pays for the on-going running costs of the charity and OWP keeps this site monitored, gated and safe. You’re welcome.